回答:我觉你应该说详细点。你的意思是指sql server 存储过程中的@吗?如果这样的话 。它T-SQL中声明变量的语法。比如declare @va1 char(4) 。意思就是声明了一个char类型va1变量。存储过程中声明一个变量就是 关键字declare @变量名 变量类型。 如何要给变量名设置值的话,在声明完变量之后 set @变量 = 值。
回答:看了下面各位的回答,有的说用exist,有的说用join,难道你们不是在把简单的事情复杂化了吗?竟然还有子表子查询一说?也有朋友说的很精准,不要用select *,这个*是个坑,实际开发过程中,关于MySQL开发规范也会明确告知大家不要select *。首先我想问的是:查询MySQL的一张表怎么查最快?当然是根据主键查询了!默认你的MySQL库、表引擎是Innodb引擎,然后会有一颗主键的B+树,...
...all # 选择的vswitchId vswitch_id = vws-xxxxx # 使用的镜像信息 image_id = centos_7_03_64_20G_alibase_20170818.vhd # 当前vpc类型的安全组 security_group_id = sg-xxxxx # instance number to lunch, support 1-100, default...
...src/main/jib 这里指定base image为java:8u172-jre-alpine 同时指定生成的image名称为jib-demo:${maven.build.timestamp} container标签可以指定相关参数,比如jvmFlags指定JVM参数,ports指定expose的端...
...u_16_0402_64_20G_alibase_20170818.vhd public static final String IMAGE_ID = xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; public static final String SECURITY_GROUP_ID = xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; public ...
...ompose bundle --help Generate a Docker bundle from the Compose file. Local images will be pushed to a Docker registry, and remote images will be pulled to fetch an image digest. Usage: bundle [opti...
... 退出登录。 $ docker login Login with your Docker ID to push and pull images from Docker Hub. If you dont have a Docker ID, head over to https://hub.docker.com to create one. Username: souyunku Password...
...装了Docker CE $ sudo docker run hello-world root@souyunku:~# sudo docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE hello-world latest ...
... instanceOfferingUuid: aee8b43d672e4b019e76471d3767e93a, imageUuid: e588b839d3013f4fa1490695bc5cd5fb, l3NetworkUuids: [ 62dc48a48f964e73b463dad1a86089df ...
...e9e2b11cd7ba /bin/sh dokcer关闭容器:docker kill/stop e9e2b11cd7ba (image_id)或者 ps -ef | grep e9e2b11cd7ba (image_id)kill -9 pid docker复制:docker cp /home/apps 96f7f14e99ab:/home/apps (主机到容器)docker cp 9...
...a4b95bff634ad2b62d2c1225f825c9947cc403dec4f810a6e Status: Downloaded newer image for mysql:5.7 2.部署redis 7001:6379 外部端口:docker容器端口, 本地${pwd}/redis.conf的bind配置项需要注意,如果是127.0.0.1,外部将无法连接docker内的redi...
...wnload complete d9406fd1f731: Download complete Status: Downloaded newer image for 1qianbao.com/jboss:latest 查看本地镜像 [root@docker6 ~]# docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE...
...b29d/1.7.1 OS/Arch (server): linux/amd64 docker容器 CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS ...
...b29d/1.7.1 OS/Arch (server): linux/amd64 docker容器 CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS ...